Dedicated: April 26, 1935
Leesburg Ledger, Friday, 10 May 1935.
“A very beautiful memorial fountain was dedicated to the soldiers of all wars, who are laid to rest in the Lone Oak Cemetery, Leesburg, Florida, on Friday, April 26, at 4 p.m.
Quite a large crowd from Leesburg and nearby cities attended the services, which were under the direction of Mrs. Franklin L. Ezell, president of Lone Oak Cemetery, Inc. and secretary of Confederate Gray Chapter No. 641, United Daughters of the Confederacy.”
Confederate Gray Chapter #641, United Daughters of the Confederacy. The United Daughters of the Confederacy, Inc., also known as the UDC, is a hereditary society of Southern women established on September 10, 1894
The Confederate Gray 641 is the third group organized in Leesburg, after the Masons and Knights of Pythias.
Much interaction over the years. They now meet at the Lone Oak Cemetery, office September through May.
History of Confederate Gray Chapter No. 641
United Daughters Of The Confederacy
1902 — 1959
Confederate Gray Chapter No. 641, was organized and chartered on December, 31st., 1902. The Charter bears the names of twelve Daughters of the Confederacy, as follows; Mrs. Marian Duncan (Hrs. H. H.), Mrs. Rosalie A. Peter, Mrs. Lucy Yancy, Mrs. Connie O’Dowell, Mrs. Jane Riddle, Mrs. Grace McGregor, Mrs. Vandelia Wiginton, Miss Mary Belle Milam, Miss Maude Wiginton, Miss Stella Peter, Miss Marian Duncan, Mrs. J. B. Milam.
The Original name of the Chapter was “Lake County Chapter,” but by unanimous vote in May, 1904, the name was changed to ”Confederate Gray Chapter.” The name was for the “Confederate Gray ” uniform in honor of the Confederate soldier. Some may think that when our soldiers went to the front, that they wore the well known “Confederate Gray” uniform, but they did not. The South not being a manufacturing section, had to begin manufacturing the gray cloth after its adoption as their uniform. The Confederate uniform of gray was designed by Major Lamar Fontain of Lyon, Mississippi, (sworn affidavits are filed) and was adopted at Montgomery, Alabama, February 14th, 1861, by the Uniform Committee of the Confederate States of America, “Without a dissenting voice.”
The Confederate Gray Chapter was organized in response to the wishes of the Lake County Camp, United Confederate Veterans, No. 279, which camp had been organized about four years before in Umatilla, Florida. The expense of the Charter of the Confederate Gray Chapter was five dollars and was a gift of the Lake County Camp, U. C. V., No. 279, H. J. Peter, Adjutant, and H. H. Duncan, Commander.
On May 1, 1903, a meeting was held, electing a delegate to attend the State Convention to be held in Madison, the President was elected, but she being unable to attend, the proxy was given to Mrs. Bassant of Jacksonville, (Chapters were at that time allowed “proxies” in the State conventions.) Delegates from this chapter attended their first State convention in Lake City in 1904 – Miss Stella Peter, President of the chapter, and Mrs. J. W. Dyches, delegate. They made the report of the convention to the chapter in May, 1904. This report aroused much enthusiasm among the chapter members in the work of the U. D. C. Few other conventions were attended by the members until the year 1910, and thereafter. State convention held in Ocala in 1910, Mrs. F. L. Ezell was the delegate.
The objects of the chapter have been cherished all through the years. The historical dates of observance, the most outstanding being Confederate Memorial Day, April 26th, have been observed every year with few exceptions. Other dates of observance are January 19th, Robert E. Lee’s birthday, June 3rd, Jefferson Davis Day, and others, as stated in By – Laws of the General organization